Last Week’s Music Today 07/02/2020

Posted: February 7, 2020 in music, New Music 2020, Uncategorized
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I’m going to level with you. I’ve had a winter bug hanging on for the better part of two weeks. That fed my inspiration to create a list that made me feel good from start to finish, like comfort food, which meant leaving off a few things that I would otherwise feel should be on a list of new releases. So, sorry Gorillaz, but “Momentary Bliss” isn’t here. I usually quite like your stuff, but in this case I already had a headache, thanks. It’s not you, it’s me.

On the other hand, I found I wasn’t in the head space to do much writing about the songs on the list. But finding new music to listen is the main point of this blog. My semi snarky musings arechickenjust a bonus.

How did a chicken get in here? Seriously, autotext. Never blog from your phone.

There’s a bit of everything on here from straight-up electric blues from Tinsley Ellis to a few flavors of soul, including a joyous, samba, Afrobeat hybrid from Jordan Mackampa, one of the most beautiful solo acoustic numbers I’ve heard in yonks from Rumer and Lost Hollow. Plus a good mix of left-of center but easy-on-the-ear indie. Is it me, or is there something quite Ray Davies in Declan McKenna’s “Beautiful Faces”?

I even let erstwhile One-Directioner Louis Tomlison in. If that tiny intro to his “Habit” doesn’t sound like it was sampled from The Stone’s “Wild Horses”, then I don’t know what does sound like it was lifted from “Wild Horses”. Now I’m going to have to go listen to a remastered copy of “Stickey Fingers”.

Who does Lucia sound like on “City of Angels”? Maybe Annie Lennox?

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